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Why We Fail!

Congratulations Lidia on your success! Super Proud of You!

Why we fail…

I have been in my profession for over 25 years combined now. During this time, I have experienced many successes and most importantly, many failures. The difference between the two is that during my successes, I never gave up while during my failures, all I did was give up. I think this separates the two.

It is easy to give up. It is tough to stay the course with small pivots. How many times have you started a diet, a new exercise program, a new sport and then decided that it was too difficult, so you just gave up. This happens all the time. This is why I believe that just showing up is about 90% of the battle we face. If you just have enough courage and will power to show up, 90% of the work is done for you! It’s finding the willpower after setbacks, no quick progress or being too tired is when we begin to fail….

Now don’t’ get me wrong, I get it when we lose a particular game, or we lose a job, or when we lose a loved one, that we feel defeated. I get it! I have lost a father, I have lost a company, I have had to deal with running a fitness business during the COVID lockdowns. I get it. The one thing I can say that I have not done though – is give up.

This holds true for your fitness and wellness goals. You have an entire life where we only get one body. That body of yours is depending on daily decisions that you make in order for it to be at it’s best and so that the quality of your life is a good one. The saying “you will be forced to make time for your well being in the future if you don’t volunteer the time now” is so very true. Why not find the will power and courage now to stay the course and take the direction of your trainers that are providing you the guidance you need to keep your one body in good condition?

Your Action Items:

1. How do you find the courage and will power necessary to keep your one vessel healthy?

2. What is your driver? Your kids, your ego (this is not a bod thing feeling & looking good), Your ex? You need to find one that keeps you motivated.

3. Quit using excuses and find the time, energy, and resources necessary because you will be forced to in the future anyways – guaranteed!

Keep things going strong team. I know that a lot of you reading these blogs are first timers and my job is to try relating to you as best I can with real world examples and experiences, so you know you are not alone. This is my job and my passion.

Let me know your thoughts are other areas you wish for me to cover. I appreciate you all and I honor those who show up and do the work!

From my heart to yours – have an amazing day!

Your Trainer – C.J.

Start Strong, Stay Strong & Always Be eVOLV & UpMo Strong!

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