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I Need Your Help for a Great Cause!


I Need Your Help for a Great Cause!

Many females in my life, including my own mother, have had to deal with the complexities of having breast cancer. The fight is not for the lighthearted and those going through it deserve the best medical and community support available. Allison with the Pink Warrior House is a survivor of Breast Cancer and because of her experience’s, she has found the Pink Warrior House. Her passion is in providing females going through this battle the resources and support they need from start to kicking it’s ass!

I am proud to announce our partnership with the Pink Warrior House for the month of October! Our partnership includes:

A scholarship to any current or surviving breast cancer fighter for the month of October with Unlimited Classes.

Numerous podcasts highlighting Allison and the Pink Warrior House.

Numerous Newsletter and Blog articles, like this to bring awareness to this amazing organization.

A fundraiser goal of over 100 shirt sold where 100% of the proceeds go directly to the Pink Warrior House. Shirts will be $25 and no money is due up front but you must place your order by this Friday via this link:

A huge thank you to Jeff & Laura Erway of La Cumbre Brewery and Lee Munson of Portfolio Wealth Advisors for covering the costs of the shirts and allowing 100% of the proceeds to be given directly to the Pink Warrior House!

Listen to Allison’s story here:

The shirts are black with pink writing in both male and female t-shirts and tanks! Please share this information with all your friends and family – lets go above 100 shirts! We can do this!

We appreciate the hell of what you do for our community Allison!

Your Trainer – C.J.



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(505) 872-3408

©2020 by Curt "C.J." Chavez, eVOLV Global & all related brands

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