This season has a special meaning, more then most. Although stressful I realize that the ones I love may not be around to celebrate “next time” and that the moments we have today we need to cherish with all our hearts. It is now the second Christmas without my father, and I know I don’t have many left with my mom as well (no I’m not prescribing death I am just being real with the cycle of life and aging.)
I went to a choir concert in support of one of my friends and clients Tina last night. It started at 7 pm and I had been going since my normal 4 am rise and shine. I was exhausted and have been dealing with lots of business stuff as normal. I got home and all I wanted to do was to eat and rest. I saw my mother though dressed in her best and festooned with the Christmas colors. At first, I felt another “burden” of following through on my word to both Tina and my mom for going. Then all the fuss of getting there on time and the continued rush-rush-rush of my day.
We sat down and the show begun. It wasn’t until about halfway through that I was able to unwind and actually enjoy some of the most beautiful music and voices I have ever heard. It just so happens that one of my own trainers Malinda was in the orchestra as well. It was at this point when I looked over at my mother and she was humming/singing to the Christmas music and enjoying herself. Just seeing her being present in that moment reminded me that this is what life is about. Sharing moments that will last my entire lifetime long after that moment passes. It is within this season that those moments can be captured more often as family and friends get together after much time past.
With that said I am grateful for the moments we have shared this past year. I am grateful for YOU! I am grateful the individuals I call family, friends, teammates and even those I have not met but read this blog/newsletter. You have allowed me a wonderful and colorful life full of “moments” I cherish.
With that said I wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy whatever the hell you celebrate or don’t celebrate, and I wish you Happiness and Joy above all else this Holiday Season.
As your trainer I would like to point out that a glass of eggnog combined with true guttural laughter is better for you then drank alone.
From Our Heart to Yours – Your Trainer – C.J. & Team UpMo & eVOLV :: :: :: 505-872-3408
P.S. – Don’t miss our Holiday Fitness Jam on Christmas Eve – Schedule