Can you imagine signing up to race at the Grand Prix and you show up with a determined attitude, a great mindset but when you get on the track and start to gain speed your wheels fall off? I did an interview yesterday with Otter PR and their main clientele are aspiring entrepreneurs just getting into business. This made me think of my own experiences and those from which I learned specifically from my father. My dad was an amazing man, simple and very personable. He started his business with a determined attitude but by the age of 40 he had his first heart attack. By the time he was 50 he had another heart attack, multiple strokes and did not care for his diabetes. His wheels begin to fall off.
Are your wheels falling off or are they strong enough to endure the race? No matter how brilliant my father was in business, his vessel was not prepared for the battles that he had to face while in business. This is true in all obstacles we must face in life and we are only given this one body to conquer them. It is a sad reality that most deaths caused by the Covid are due to secondary preventable health issues suffered by many. Let me ask again – are your wheels falling off?
Let us make this about you and let us make the decisions today to correct and strengthen our bodies to be ready for the challenges we face. It is a simple decision to make – you are going to take the necessary actions to improve your health or you are not. Which will you decide?
I am proud that eVOLV offers so many free resources to our community that if you just make the commitment you can find a class, a recipe, advice (like this blog) on how to improve your health at any moment of your day via our social media channels. If you need extra help, more knowledge and/or accountability, our team of professionals stand ready to help. Reply to this e-mail, message us via our social media networks or call 505-872-3408 to schedule a free consultation and planning session.
Start Strong, Stay Strong and Always Be eVOLV Strong
Your Trainers – C.J. & Team eVOLV
P.S. Maybe having a Challenge and A Deadline is something you need – Rise of the Phoenix Fitness Challenge and Show are right for you!!! Click here for more information: https://www.evolvstrong.com/lead-magnetdqqzve3j